Computer One Inc

Backup & Recovery - Computer One, Inc.

Backup & Recovery

Louisiana is the rainiest state in the continental United States.

Betcha didn't know you were getting a geography lesion by visiting an IT website. Our point: floods happen, especially in Louisiana. You purchase flood insurance for your home to keep it safe, but what about your precious office records, data and paperwork? Yea, it's a one in one hundred chance, but if your office experienced a flood and you lost all of your office computers, what would you do?

Well if you're a Computer One customer, you're fine, except for your soggy shoes. Computer One offers our customers reliable, image-based, cloud hosted back up servers to keep your data safe, secure and dry. 

Backup 101

Ok here's the backup basics. Ten to fifteen years ago, data backup was simple. You saved all of your data to a floppy disk, stored it in a filing cabinet, and went home to watch Seinfeld. But here's the surprise: technology is evolving. Now we utilize more data, and as our data grows, our need for secure backup increases. 

There are a variety of backup solutions available, but beware, not all backup is created equal. Computer One partners with Acronis and Datto Backup Solutions to provide reliable and seamless backup options for our customers.

Image Based Backups

Our backup solutions are image based, which means we'll take a picture of your entire machine, saving all of your computer's data fast and seamlessly. We also offer direct to cloud backup solutions that send your data to a secure off-site location. We recommend you do this each day at 5 o'clock, or whenever you leave your office, in order to not slow your internet speed during the workday. 

Oh, you're in a hurry to get out and forgot to back up? No biggie, we'll give you a call tomorrow morning to remind you to back up.
Remember that peace of mind we mentioned, yea it comes into play here.

Contact Computer One today to get started with your backup solution!


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